
Among others, Mr Akmalov has worked on the following noteworthy projects:


English, Russian, Uzbek

Alisher Akmalov (Director, Advocate)

Alisher Akmalov is the founder of the Firm and a member of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He has represents clients in economic courts and courts of general jurisdiction of Uzbekistan. Mr Akmalov specializes in providing legal assistance in complex economic, civil and administrative cases, provides complex legal support to businesses and consults individuals.

  • Participated in the reorganization of one of the largest mining and metallurgical companies in the world.
  • Provided legal assistance to the IT and Communications regulator of Uzbekistan.
  • Successfully represented his client in a case in the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Successfully represented interests of his clients in complex economic and civil cases in Uzbekistan (class actions in civil cases, intellectual property disputes, proceedings on application of legal measures, etc.)
  • Advised a large foreign investment company on the acquisition of a manufacturing company in Uzbekistan.
  • Authored the Concept of Judicial Reform, according to which judicial reforms are implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Faculty of Law of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Bachelor of Jurisprudence, 2007-2011
Faculty of Law of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow, Master of Jurisprudence, 2013-2015
